Our History
Our success story begins with the more than 100-year tradition of Schmidt, Kranz & Co. GmbH, a family-run holding company that began to construct mining and tunneling systems in the 19th century. Today, Perforator builds upon many years of experience and expertise, combining proven traditions with continuous innovation and the development of ever more efficient solutions.
Foundation of Schmidt, Kranz & Co Nordhäuser Maschinenfabrik. The company gains some importance as a supplier to the Central German potash mining industry. Production facilities and administration buildings are built in Nordhausen’s Ullrichstraße.

The iron miner
1903 a technical revolution

The company passes into the ownership of Prof. Dr. Karl Glinz. Due to a sales crisis in potash mining industry, Schmidt, Kranz expands its product range to include processing plants and hydraulic engineering equipment based on patents by Prof. Glinz. At the beginning of the 1930s, the NORMAG small tractor is successfully added to the product range.

NORMAG Zorge GmbH is founded in December. Under the management of Mrs. Cäcilie Glinz and Dr. Hans-Karl Glinz, the production of spare parts for tractors and mining machinery is started. At the end of the 1940s, the market for tractors expands and the branch in Zorge becomes a supplier for the production relocated to Hattingen/ Ruhr.

Expansion of the Zorge plant. Development and inclusion of high-pressure hydraulics, Tigrip-load handling attachments and Airator-air cleaning equipment in the manufacturing and delivery programme.
Relocation of the mining programme to the newly built plant in Walkenried, later the headquarters of PERFORATOR GmbH.
Expansion of the Walkenried site. With the exception of the hydraulics programme, all product lines are manufactured here.

As part of German reunification, the former Nordhausen plant in Ulrichstrasse is reacquired.
Introduction of the PERFORATOR Auger Boring Technology Programme.
Transfer of the PERFORATOR Drilling Technology and MAXIMATOR High Pressure Technology divisions into independent companies under the roof of the Schmidt, Kranz Holding. The group of companies, which still has its headquarters in Velbert/Langenberg, is managed by the Glinz family under the leadership of Dr. Caspar Glinz. The production areas of Auger Drilling Technology, Oilfield Drill Pipes according to API standards, Auger Boring Bars, Mining Machines and the Anchor Programme remain with PERFORATOR GmbH in Walkenried.
Establishment and integration of mts PERFORATOR GmbH Microtunnelling Systems based in Valluhn. Competences in the field of Tunnelling Technologies and the Human Capital largely result from the former LOVAT mts tunneling systems.

New factory work floor construction and expansion of production capacities at PERFORATOR in Walkenried
In order to focus on the core business, mts PERFORATOR GmbH splitted into the two independent companies PERFORATOR GmbH and MTS Microtunnelling Systems GmbH.
PERFORATOR develops the first fully automated friction welding machine for drill pipes. As a result, drilling equipment specialist PERFORATOR produces consistently high quality. Thanks to short set-up times, PERFORATOR is able to respond flexibly to market requirements and individual customer wishes.

Foundation of Perforator X in Australia, a joint venture between Perforator and OptionX Group.
Through the combination of Perforator’s German engineering excellence and Australian manufacturing Perforator X produces world-class quality pipes to ensure faster delivery and increased support to local customers: www.perforatorX.com